September 8, 2023


Generative AI: The Future of Enterprise-Scale Business Operations

Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize manufacturing and production operations by making them more efficient and adaptable.

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Any AI technology that generates new audio, images, or text content responding to prompts can be classified as “generative AI.” Generative AI models churn out new content based on the data they have been trained on. In generative AI, various AI algorithms are combined to represent and process content to glean knowledge, which is then used to generate new content. The Chat GPT tool is a form of generative AI where users can input prompts to receive humanlike images, texts, or videos.

Generative AI models employ unsupervised learning to identify patterns and structures in training data, generating new content based on this knowledge. In contrast, predictive AI forecasts behavior and detects anomalies. Apart from ChatGPT, generative AI powers innovative applications like Alpha Code (a code generator), Dall E-2 (creating realistic images and art), and Aimi (a fertile AI music platform for personalized tracks). Generative AI has diverse enterprise applications, including content creation automation, supply chain optimization, and enhanced customer service. These tools enable businesses to make informed decisions, streamline operations, and boost profitability.

As per IBM’s 2022 AI adoption index, 35% of companies use generative AI. Gartner predicts that 30% of manufacturers will leverage it by 2027 for efficient product development. AI technologies like GPT analyze large data volumes to uncover unique insights, enabling innovation and solving business challenges. This whitepaper explores Generative AI’s benefits, required skills, and challenges.

Understanding Generative AI: An Explanation of Generative AI and its Key Components

Generative AI algorithms produce outputs resembling the training data. Standard text and image generation models are Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs). GANs involve a generator and discriminator trained together, with the generator creating new outputs and the discriminator providing feedback to improve them.

VAEs encode data into a low-dimensional representation that captures the data’s essential features, structure, and relationships in smaller dimensions using a single machine-learning model. After decoding the low-dimensional picture, the model returns the original data. The encoding and decoding processes enable the model to learn a compact representation of the data distribution.

Some generative AI models use a random noise vector as input, producing outputs similar to the training data for art, music, and text generation.

Generative AI enhances human creativity through augmented AI. Initially, prompts required technical expertise, but user-friendly interfaces like Chat GPT make them accessible to the public. It’s affordable, and now is the right time for enterprises to leverage this technology for innovation and growth.  

Overview of the benefits of using generative AI in business operations

Generative AI revolutionizes businesses by automating processes and improving communication, collaboration, and decision-making. It enhances productivity, benefiting employees and companies. Let’s explore the benefits it brings to businesses.

Boosted productivity: Generative AI can speed up monotonous operations or, in certain situations, automate them entirely. A study reveals that generative AI has increased worker productivity by 14%.

Reduced costs: Companies can operate more efficiently with fewer employees, reducing costs associated with office administration, hardware and software upkeep, and compensation expenditures.

Improved personalization: Generative AI solutions enable businesses to tailor content to meet the demands of specific clients. It can combine and analyze data such as demographic, consumer, and market trends, allowing companies to capture market and customer segments. For example, a retailer of garments can produce original designs based on a consumer’s preferences.

Upgraded decision-making: Businesses can gain insightful data about various facets of their operations through generative AI, enabling them to develop better, more original solutions to their problems.

Automation: Businesses can automate data analysis, customer service, and content production with generative AI to save money and time, allowing them to focus on other essential activities.

Innovation: Businesses may produce fresh, creative ideas with generative AI. For instance, a business can employ generative AI to build new product concepts or innovative marketing plans.

Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize industries by allowing for personalization, automation, and innovation while also lowering costs and improving customer satisfaction. KPMG US polled 225 US CEOs, and 65% agreed that generative AI would significantly impact business in the coming years. Let’s examine some real-time examples of how productive AI has made a mark in industries.

Generative AI Use Cases in Enterprise-Scale Business Operations


1. Text or Content Generation

Text-generative AI uses large language models and natural language processing to automate content creation. It analyzes patterns and styles of compelling content using vast data sets. AI-generated text can be used for various content development tasks, such as:

  • Producing blog posts, emails, or other online content for marketing purposes
  • Writing the dialogue and storylines for commercials and videos
  • Writing brief, engaging, and clear product descriptions

2. Marketing Automation and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

For businesses to find SEO-friendly, pertinent, and high-performing keywords and phrases for their digital marketing efforts, generative AI analyzes vast volumes of data and can spot consumer behavior trends. Marketers can utilize productive AI tools for:

  • Conducting keyword research to aid in the creation of SEO content
  • Locating the titles of pertinent articles
  • Classifying search intentions
  • Creating content organization


1. Document Analysis

Large amounts of financial records, including annual reports, financial statements, and earnings calls, can be processed and summarized, and important information can be extracted to allow for more effective analysis and decision-making.

2. Financial Analysis and Forecasting

Generative AI models learn from financial data to predict trends, asset prices, and economic indicators. They simulate market conditions and variables, providing insights into potential risks and opportunities through various scenarios.

3. Fraud Detection

Banks can reduce their losses and risks by detecting fraud using Generative AI models that continuously monitor and analyze incoming data streams. It allows for immediate fraud detection and remediation, which reduces losses and risk exposure.


1. Customer data

Data can provide insight into user behavior, market trends, and sales. Businesses can use generative AI techniques to analyze previous purchase data to make strategic and educated business decisions.

2. Product Development

The fact that content is king partly results from how challenging it may be to produce new content consistently. Business uses for generative AI include building letters and papers and creating marketing material. Anyone with content can benefit from adding GPT-4 to their workflow as an intelligent solution.

3. Customer Interaction

Generative AI can significantly enhance the customer journey by responding to user queries more quickly, routing customers to the best products and services, and creating personalized product recommendations and offers for specific customers. This can help retailers by boosting sales and patron loyalty. It can also curate bespoke journeys, provide customized discounts, and create content that appeals to customers.

Business Analytics

The process of analyzing business data can sometimes take time and effort. Creating a tool that provides business insights on the go is much more efficient. Solutions built with Generative AI that can act as a business sidekick, providing razor-sharp insights, step-by-step guidance, and even performing tasks autonomously, would transcend traditional boundaries and create a hyper-adaptive enterprise landscape.

Implementing Generative AI in Enterprise-Scale Business Operations

Companies can successfully adopt generative AI through the following simple steps:

  1. Define business requirements, issues, and expected results. Assess the company’s readiness for generative AI, considering resources and technological know-how.
  2. Select the appropriate generative AI type based on the use case, data availability, and quality.
  3. Gather and prepare accurate, diverse, and indicative training data. Apply preprocessing techniques to improve data quality.
  4. Improve the model by testing different topologies, hyperparameters, and training methods. Integrate the necessary resources.
  5. Integrate the model with data and business processes. Deploy cloud-based services or develop custom software for connectivity. Establish data integration, input, output, and error management processes.
  6. Continuously analyze the model’s performance, adjusting as needed. Update parameters, retrain with fresh data, and implement error handling and monitoring procedures. Scale the model to accommodate growing data.

Skills Needed to Work in Generative AI

  • Strong mathematical and programming skills are essential for working with generative artificial intelligence (AI). These skills include calculus, probability theory, linear algebra, optimization techniques, and programming languages like Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, or Keras. These skills are necessary for the study and development of AI.
  • Deep learning techniques and frameworks, such as CNNs, RNNs, and transformer-based models, require expertise in training, optimizing, and evaluating them. We should be familiar with these models and have expertise in training, optimizing, and evaluating them.
  • Understanding natural language processing NLP techniques such as language modeling, text classification, sentiment analysis, and machine translation is essential for generative AI for natural language processing. Deep learning models such as transformers and encoder-decoder models should also be included in one’s knowledge base.
  • Creative thinking: Generative AI requires thinking creatively and creating innovative prompts and ideas to create new and valuable content.
  • Data analysis skills: Generative AI requires experience with data analysis, visualization, pre-processing, feature design, and data augmentation to prepare data for training and testing models.
  • Collaboration skills: Working with generative AI requires teamwork between data scientists, machine learning engineers, and designers, making it easy to explain technical ideas to non-technical stakeholders.
  • Strong communication skills: As a Generative AI expert, you must possess good written and oral communication skills to explain complex technical ideas to technical and non-technical stakeholders effectively.
  • Continuous learning: The subject of generative AI is constantly evolving, so it is essential to stay up-to-date with the latest findings and methods. To do this, one should be willing to attend conferences, study academic journals, and experiment with new approaches.

Generative AI requires technical, creative, and collaborative skills. As a result of developing these skills, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle challenging problems in this exciting and rapidly evolving field.

Challenges of Generative AI in Enterprise-Scale Business Operations

Generative AI has become essential in various industries. Still, just as a coin has two sides, generative AI has challenges like data security, privacy, copyright, deepfakes, and compliance.

Security and Ethical Concerns

  1. DeepFakes

The potential for certain people to produce content with harmful intent is a source of concern about generative AI, which can be used to create false information and images to target businesses and employees. An example is the white puffy jacket worn by The Pope in an AI-generated image that has been making the rounds on social media. Deepfakes can cause severe reputational damage and counterfeit fraud, which poses a risk to people, businesses, and governments.

  1. Copyright issues

AI models are trained on internet data, allowing them to generate new content from works not explicitly shared by the source. AI-generated art, such as photos and music, is particularly problematic regarding copyright.

  1. Data security and privacy risks

Data security and privacy are important issues, as data can be kept, accessed, and used by tools based on OpenAI LLMs. If a firm employee uses private or client information in a prompt, it will be saved in OpenAI’s database, potentially exposing IPs and breaking privacy laws.

High-quality Data Requirements & Infrastructure

Generative AI requires large amounts of computing resources and training time. The cost of training and deploying generative AI models may limit their widespread adoption.

In some cases, the large amount of data required can prevent an organization from entering the market. Working with large datasets requires high-quality infrastructure, but many organizations need more money because it’s expensive.

Future of Generative AI in different industries

Generative AI, with its ability to innovate and create, will revolutionize the way businesses interact with customers, develop products, and make decisions. It will revolutionize various industries shortly, transforming how businesses interact with customers, create products, and make decisions.


  • Generative AI in Healthcare and Drug Discovery

AI can develop hypotheses and concepts for medical research, and by 2025, it will have discovered more than 30% of all novel medicines and materials. Using generative AI in drug discovery can achieve significant cost savings. The average cost of developing a drug from discovery to market is $1.8 billion, which takes three to six years. Using generative AI for drug design has reduced drug discovery costs and timelines to a few months.

  • Generative AI in Synthetic Data

Synthetic data from direct natural world observations can be created using generative AI. This ensures that the data sources used to train the model are secure. Healthcare data, for example, can be artificially created and used for research and analysis without revealing the identities of the patients whose medical records are used. This can help address data security and privacy issues.


  • Generative AI in Manufacturing

Generating novel materials with specific physical qualities has a significant impact on industries. The inverse design method outlines the necessary properties and finds or creates materials that are likely to have them, resulting in more conductible, magnetic, or corrosion-resistant materials.

  • Generative AI in Chip Design

Generative AI, through reinforcement learning, can optimize component arrangement in semiconductor chip design (floor planning), cutting the product development life cycle from weeks to hours as compared to human specialists.


  • Generative AI can analyze sales data and make inventory management recommendations. By analyzing historical data, consumer sentiment, and competitive data, artificial intelligence can also assist retailers in forecasting trends and making informed decisions, helping optimize supply chains and deliveries.
  • Generative AI can be used to create chatbots that can assist customers with questions and troubleshoot issues. As a result, retailers can provide better customer service to shoppers and reduce the workload of customer service representatives. Providing effective customer service can also improve customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.
  • Virtual fitting room: Generative AI can generate custom images matching shoppers’ interests with available products. Using generative models, shoppers can see products from the catalog rendered on a picture of themselves.

BYOB In Enterprise-scale business operations

Enterprise-scale business operations require analytics for gaining insights and making informed decisions through data analysis.

Akaike introduces BYOB (Build Your Own Brain), an enterprise AI analyst enabling users to ask questions about the data and receive instant insights. BYOB connects and organizes multiple data sources, delivering real-time actionable insights based on key metrics and patterns. The product also allows users to ask follow-up questions for further analysis. This gives enterprises an additional advantage by offering prompt insights to posed queries, ensuring the timely delivery of answers enriched with valuable insights.

For example, you can input detailed staffing data and inquire about contingency plans in (BYOB) to address the potential challenges related to staffing shortages during holidays and seasonal infections. This proactive approach enables hospitals to make informed decisions, ultimately enhancing their ability to manage staffing issues effectively.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, generative artificial intelligence (AI) is a transformative tool that unlocks new possibilities in data generation, product development, and service innovation. Its adaptability and customization potential drive it in various industries, enabling businesses to tap into new revenue streams and achieve unprecedented growth. With limitless practical applications, generative AI is poised to revolutionize departments and enterprises, shaping a future of boundless opportunities.

At Akaike, we specialize in harnessing the power of generative AI to drive business success. Our comprehensive suite of productive AI solutions empowers businesses to optimize processes, unleash creativity, and gain a competitive edge. Contact us to discover how Akaike’s Generative AI capabilities can revolutionize your industry.
